
Below you can find the current published candidacies for the position of Vice-President of JEF Europe. Two persons can be elected for this position.


Contact Xesc



About Me

My name is Xesc, I am 30 years old, and even though I am originally from the sunny island of Mallorca, at the moment I live in the wonderfully weathered city of Brussels. I am also a Historian, and I am currently finishing my PhD thesis (by the time EUCO 2023 is here, I will more than likely have finished my first draft of the thesis, wish me luck!). On a more personal note, I am a big-time fan of vexillology, coins, and trains, so if you like any of those feel free to approach me for a chat.

I have been a member of JEF for over a decade, a time in which I have been involved at all levels of the organisation. On the local/regional level, I founded my own section in my region of the Balearic Islands, while also having been a treasurer in JEF Madrid. And for 5 years I was part of the board of JEF Spain, being its president during the first year of the COVID pandemic. For the past 2 years, I have been a co-chair of the Task Force on Empowerment and Diversity in my capacity as a member of the Federal Committee, while also helping establish a cross-border section (JEF Pyrenees-Mediterranean) alongside JEF Catalonia and JEF Toulouse. Last, but not least, last February I was nominated by JEF-Europe (and elected) as a member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe.

Motivation for the Position

JEF has given me a lot on a personal and human level. I owe most of my personal growth during the past decade to our organisation and the people I have encountered in it. In that sense, I feel I owe JEF back and I want to repay by contributing to the best of my ability. Besides that, my years of extensive experience and contact with the network have given me the expertise that I feel is needed to successfully undertake the responsibilities of a Vice-President of JEF-Europe.

What I would like to do if elected can be grouped in four different areas:

  • A JEF that’s resilient:

    • Reinforce our non-strictly-political activities that help us fulfil our goals while also building community spirit such as the webzines and our civic education programmes.

    • Further support for section twinning and fostering the creation of cross-border sections on the model of current projects such as JEF Pyrenees-Mediterranean or JEF Oberrhein, while finding ways to involve them in our supranational structures.

    • Strengthen the communication between the EB, FC and the sections to work together on finding solutions to the networks’ problems that work for everyone.

    • Continue with the work done on the Federalist Academy by ensuring it becomes a permanent part of our annual schedule (similarly to the Ventotene Seminar or our statutory events) in which our members can better understand what the ‘F’ in JEF stands for and how they can be better Federalists. It would be desirable to expand the academy so that it can be replicated at national and regional levels by providing material, contents, and bibliographical recommendations.

  • A JEF that’s safe and plural:

    • Strengthen our Code of Conduct (CofC) implementation by working with sections and TF Empowerment and Diversity to create a network-wide system of CofC enforcement and reporting to better protect our members and ensure all of JEF remains a safe space for everyone.

    • Include multilingualism in our external communications by creating a volunteer-based pool of translators in order to translate our contents to other languages than English and aim at the eventual transformation of into a multilingual website.

  • An outreaching JEF:

    • Stronger on-the-ground action, with new and out-of-the-box campaigns to promote our ideas beyond our usual target groups while also fostering a diversified membership growth.

      • Promote active youth council participation from our sections to bring our vision to the wider organised young civil society outside of our usual avenues such as the European Movement.

      • Involve other organisations which have a core topic of expertise in assisting in our policy adoption process, with a special view on involving our partners in the European Youth Forum.

      • Promote collaboration between our sections and local NGOs that share our goals and values.

  • A JEF that remembers:

    • Work with the Historical Archives of the EU in Florence to digitalise the fonds of the organisation’s historical archive and turn them into an accessible online archive so that our members can better understand the historical trajectory that has shaped JEF and our current Federalist thinking.

    • Institute regular meetings between current and former members of statutory bodies of JEF to ensure an adequate transfer of knowledge and exchange of expertise so that we can better address the issues our network is going through without having to reinvent previously explored methods.

My vision of the future of JEF

An obvious priority for the next mandate is the upcoming European elections and bringing our federalist solutions to the forefront of the political debate. However, the EP elections should not be our single priority. After the polls close on June 9, we will be facing a different landscape where it is likely that reactionary and far-right forces, hostile to both civil society participation and our federalist ideas, will have a larger say in EU policy. In that regard, we as a network will need to prepare to resist under an institutional framework that may not be as open to our ideas as it has been in previous times.

Besides that, one of our priorities will continue to be pursuing a lobbying strategy vis-à the European institutions, while also coordinating joint action campaigns by our national sections on their governments. In this area, we should be stepping up our lobbying efforts at the local and regional levels. The governance levels closest to the citizen are essential as an ally to counterbalance national powers, but can also be proof that Federalism is not about ‘creating a European superstate’ but getting decision-making closest to the citizen.

Finally, we need to prioritise organisational presence and growth in non-EU countries. The perspective of enlargement in the upcoming years makes it essential that JEF becomes a reference point among the youth civil society in future or prospective EU member states.

My opinion on the needed Political Commissions and Task Forces/ Working Groups

So far, the structure of our Political Commissions and Task Forces has been quite functional. My only recommendation on this area would be to reconvert TF European Elections into a TF Actions and Campaigns after the 2024 election is over. However, I believe that the debate on the structure of our PCs and TFs has to take place in the framework of the Federal Committee that takes place after our congress.

Last updated